Monday, January 25, 2010

The sky was so blue...

...this past Wednesday and the children and I were out there for awhile just soaking up the beautiful sunshine. I just laid in the (dead) grass watching the children play, it was so nice. This is the sky without one puffy white cloud to be seen...the next day was thunderstorms and tornadoes!

Yes, I know my camera has spots on it, I tried cleaning it but they didn't come off, oh well.

A little birdie came to visit, and no the sky wasn't that blue, I just played with it. :)

The girls were having a grand time jumping off the slide, singing and just being together. And yes, I realize Mercy is missing her skirt - she is constantly taking her clothes off and I could not find it anywhere at the time...I did send her outside with it on I promise! ;)

Sweet silly Mercy

Cute crazy Charis

Lil Julia ♥

happy in the sunshine

waving "hi" (I used Charis on the trampoline to block the sun out of her face, lol)
yummy fingers

I love,

her smile

she makes me

so happy

she loves

her sister too ♥

Caleb playing in the distance

He's my sweet boy. :)

"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24
Happy Monday!


  1. yes, yes, three cheers for BLUE skies! Today is making me happy, because I see sunshine and BLUE skies again...must needs run out there after spending some time buried in wheat orders!

  2. I see London, I see France, I see Mercy's underpants! ;)~ Sorry, just had to. hehehe

  3. Ok, so I am trying not to covet those blue skies and sunny days! Beautiful pictures... they made me smile. Mercy looks like your handfull, lol! :) Love all your artsy shots. Looks fun.

  4. aw...your kids are so cute. They look so sweet too:-)
