Monday, January 25, 2010

It's the little things

I thought my little camera wasn't capable of doing much but I read a tip on a blog the other day. I tried it out and was kind of shocked that it worked. I know it isn't much but I was so excited to have taken a picture with the focused object off centered.
See, I told you it was just a little thing but it did make me smile. :)

- of sewing pins -

- and snap cubes -

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  1. =)

    new discoveries like that always make me smile, for sure!

    congrats on figuring out something new with your camera! there's probably still more you have yet to discover. {smile}

  2. Wow! Can you share where you learned this-I would love to try it out!

  3. Hi Jen,
    You can go here to read about it:

    RA - I think I may pull out my camera manual (if I can find it lol!) and read it to see what else I can learn. :)

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! These pictures are really neat. I should get out my camera and start practicing.
