When Mercy turned 1 over 2 months ago I was so busy doing multiple baby showers and other things that I put off getting Mercy's pictures taken as I wasn't sure what I wanted to do and was thinking about making her a dress etc.
Well, you know you are overdue when your husband (who normally could care less about getting pictures taken) walks by the spot in the hallway where the children's 1 year old shots hang and ask why Mercy's isn't there...oops. :)
Then I was trying to decide what to do and since last year we paid for a 2 year
portrait membership at
JCPenneys we finally decided to just run up there with a coupon and be done. It was close by and we wanted it to match C & C's pics. Then my usually could care less husband did want Mercy wearing the same dress Charis wore for her pictures and requested that Mercy wear this.
I took Gracie along for an extra set of hands and she can normally make Mercy crack great smiles. Well, Mercy had different ideas and would not smile for 1 single picture. She would not smile for me, Gracie, or much less the two photographers. I guess they turned out all right but C & C were total hams for their one year old pics. My dad said that's what I get for putting off having them taken. :P

What are you going to do to me?

I don't think I'm too sure about this...

Definitely don't make me sit down.

Am I pitiful or what?
Thank goodness for profile pics, I remember it saving at least one of my siblings crying photo sessions by having this shot.

The "eyelash" pose taken while she was sitting in my lap.
They threw me in the pictures to see if that would make her happy, I was wearing brown and purple and I didn't want a picture of me!
The final attempt to get a picture of herself after sliding her off my lap. Ha!